Do you have a strategic plan for your book?

Ireland Various 044 strategic plan 2You have an expertise and a topic of interest to others. The book is completed and available for sale. Now what? You have a few things outlined, it is definitely on Amazon, and you created a Facebook page for the title—but what is your strategic plan for the long term?
• If you haven’t already created a simple business plan, start with a document of where you want to be in 12–36 months. It is definitely worth the time. The objective is to identify achievable opportunities, to develop the action plans and strategies to achieve them, and to identify potential issues and roadblocks. In other words, if this is where you are today, and this is where we want to be in the future, what do we need to do to get there?
• Based on the discovery and discussions about the business plan, identify the target audiences: markets, segments of clients, businesses, and other groups that you will approach.
• Identify and develop solutions needed for your audiences while keeping in mind budget limitations. Solutions may include seminars, consulting, webinars, handouts, PowerPoint presentations, additional books, apps for mobile devices, solutions for individuals, and business-focused solutions, but it is important to define and adhere to a budget for each supplementary solution you intend to develop.
• Develop the marketing materials, the online presence, and the social media tactics to support the initiatives. Where should you spend your time supporting your book? A website (of course), Facebook, Pinterest, blogs, Twitter, etc. Social media marketing can be tailored to make sure that your intended audience sees your message.
• Implement the administrative systems needed to support the level of activity and sales as the business grows.
• Monitor sales volumes and key metrics to determine successes and needed improvements or changes.
These basic steps will help you achieve greater successes with your title. What has worked for you so far?

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