Executing your social media plan

You’ve decided on your tactics, and your platforms are in place. Now it is time to deliver. Four bare-bones steps will keep you on the right track.
1. Consistency – Make sure you are posting on a consistent basis. Social media can definitely take major chunks of time, which is one reason creating the plan is helpful. Don’t let your platforms become stale to those who admire and follow your expertise, genre, and work. On the other hand, don’t post too much, and when you provide information, be sure to make it relevant.
2. Relevance – People don’t want to hear about you, they want to read or see information that is helpful to them and that solves a problem for them in some way. Don’t forget to draw upon the expertise of others in your field and link to or otherwise share relevant content from them.
3. Ease of use – Is it easy for your clients to access your information? Are you making use of follow, share, and RSS feed buttons in the appropriate places? Make your email signature pages, your webpages, and the burst marketing as easy to use as possible.
4. Metrics – Monitor sales volumes and other key metrics to determine successes and needed improvements or changes. Make sure the effort you are putting into the tactics is measurable and is bringing you the results you are looking for. Give it the needed time to grow followers, friends, retweets—whatever is applicable. If in a given timeframe you are not getting the payoff for your time/money, then you need to review your options and potentially adjust your plan.

There are definitely more details and steps that can be included in executing a social media plan. Start with these four simple steps, and watch with anticipation as your book sales grow.

You tell me, which of these four steps has been the most helpful for your book success?

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